During the heat wave last week (yes, I consider 90 degrees a heat wave, what of it?) I came home and found K. reading The Baby-sitters Club Super Special #7, Snowbound! (with the exclamation point, natch). Because what better time to read about a bunch of baby-sitters stuck in a snowstorm than a sweltering, humid Memorial Day weekend?

It stuck in my mind only because I hadn't re-read any of my fave BSCs recently, and I missed them, the way you miss your favorite couch and quilt when you have a cold. Today opened up gloriously for me after a great few weekends full of that perfect combination of busy-ness and fun, and I walked home in the late morning sunlight, thinking about my upcoming summer and beach house plans and boating trips and birthdays. Which, of course, got me thinking about Sunset Island.

I have yet to meet anyone else who read the Sunset Island books. (In real life, I mean. The lady behind the Dairi Burger has clearly read them.) They're the closest books I've ever found to my own teenage experience, particularly when it comes to setting -- the island, the work/fun balance, the class differences. So I read them over and over, remembering both my own island history and who I was when I first read them, so it's all kind of meta.

Anyway, summer! I have some exciting things lined up for the season, including some great books on deck. What about you?